Dart Basics Review


If you are unable to answer these questions, you should review the relevant lessons and resources.

  1. What is a variable in Dart, and how is it declared and initialized?
  2. How do you use a for loop to iterate over a list of elements in Dart?
  3. How do you define and call a function in Dart?
  4. What is an if statement, and how do you use it to make decisions in your code in Dart?
  5. What is the dynamic type, and when would you use it in Dart?
  6. How do you use the print() function to print output to the console in Dart?
  7. What is the main() function, and why is it important in a Dart program?
  8. How do you read input from the standard input stream in
  9. Dart, and how do you write output to the standard output stream?
  10. Can you provide some examples of using standard input/output in Dart?
  11. What are the different types of operators available in Dart and how do they differ from each other?
  12. Can you provide some examples of how to use operators in Dart?
  13. Are there any special rules or considerations to keep in mind when using operators in Dart?
  14. What are the different control flow statements available in Dart, and how do they differ from each other?
  15. What is null safety in Dart?
  16. Why is null safety important in Dart?
  17. What are different operators used in null safety in Dart?
  18. What is a null coalescing operator in Dart and how is it used?
  19. How does Dart’s null safety feature prevent null reference errors in a program?
  20. Can variables in Dart be declared as nullable, and how is this done?
  21. Can null safety be disabled in Dart, and under what circumstances would this be necessary?
  22. What are the components of a function in Dart, and how do they work together?
  23. Can you provide some examples of how to use functions in Dart?


Use these projects to review and practice what you’ve learned so far. If you become confused, go back over the relevant lessons and resources.

Note: publish these projects to GitHub and share the links in your social media.

  1. Write a program that reads a list of numbers from the standard input, and then prints the sum of the numbers to the standard output.
  2. Create a simple calculator program that allows the user to perform basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.
  3. Write a program that generates a random password based on user-specified criteria, such as length and the inclusion of special characters.
  4. Create a simple to-do list program that allows the user to add, remove, and view their tasks.
  5. Create a simple program that uses the Dart http library to make an HTTP request and print the response to the console.
  6. Create a simple quiz game that asks the user a series of multiple-choice questions and keeps track of their score.
  7. Create a simple calculator program that allows the user to perform basic arithmetic operations (such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division) on two numbers. Hint: you can use the switch statement to implement this.