Introducing Dart
Recommended Time: 1 Day (But learn at your one pace)
In this lesson you will just get to know the Dart programming language briefly. If you have never done programming previously, don’t be overwhelmed or intimidated. We have further guides and lessons to prepare for you. Just spend more time on first chapter that way things will get easier and easier further you go.
1. Hello world in Dart with DartPad
Write a program that will print hello world in the output.
- Use DartPad that way you don’t have to install Dart in your local machine yet.
2. Install Dart in your device
Although you can proceed with the chapter without installing Dart and simply using the DartPad, we recommend that you install Dart and Flutter with Visual Studio Code or Android Studio (IDE) on your machine.
- Use this Getting Started Guide to download and install Dart in your system.
- Follow the guide step by step.
- Don’t get discouraged if you run into problems.
- Try again and again. Use google to search for errors if you receive any.
3. Write and run Hello world in Dart with VS Code
So, once you’ve installed Dart, you’ll also need a text editor to write your code in. We recommend Visual Studio Code.
- Download and install Visual Studio Code
- Install Dart extension for VS Code
- Write and run a hello world Dart code using VS Code
4. Share in Social Network
Make a nice code screenshot of the hello world program you wrote (use the resource section to use a tool to create a code image) and share it on social media that you have begun learning Dart and Flutter and are eager to write your Hello world in Dart.