Basic of Plugins
1. Note Taking App [Part 1]
Write a Flutter program that provides a multiline text field and a save button and cancel button . Whenever user press the save button, anything written in the text box should be saved to a file and if user press cancel text box should be empty in the device’s application’s documents folder.
Note: use
from path_provider to get the application folder path. UseFile
class from dart:io to write to the file.
2. Note Taking App [Part 2]
Update the above program to add a new button that when clicked goes to next page, where the user can see all the notes saved in the application’s documents folder. Make design beautiful.
3. Note Taking App [Part 3]
If you want to go even further, in the list page add action to each list item. When the list item is clicked, the user can see the note in a dialog box, which also has a delete button to delete the note.
4. Note Taking App [Part 4]
Please publish your app to GitHub with a README file that has the screenshots of the application, project description with features, and technologies used to build the application.
5. Path Provider
Write a tutorial on how to use path_provider plugin to access device’s directories and files. Publish your article on Medium or and share the link in social media.