Scrolling Layout

Most applications display a large amount of data that does not fit on a single screen. Especially for mobile applications with low screen real state. What are we going to do about it? With a scrollable area. We will practice displaying a large amount of data using a scrolling layout in this lesson. ‘SingleChildScrollView’ and ‘ListView’ are two important widgets to remember for this lesson.


1. List of Names

Display a list of 100 names in a scrolling area. The list should be displayed in a Column wrapped by SingleChildScrollView widget. Each item in the list should be a Text widget with a name. The names can be generated using the faker package.

Note: Make sure to explore different properties of SingleChildScrollView widget. For example, you can set the scrollDirection property to Axis.horizontal to display the list horizontally.

2. Horizontal List

Update the above project to display the list horizontally using Row instead of Column.

3. List of Images

Display a list of 10 images in a scrolling area. The list should be displayed in a ListView widget. Each item in the list should be an Image widget with a random image. The images can be generated using the faker package.

4. Products List

Imagine you are building a list of products for an e-commerce application. Each product has a name, price, and an image. Display a list of 10 products in a scrolling area. The list should be displayed in a ListView widget. Each item in the list should be a Container widget with a product name, price, and an image.

Note: For images use Pixabay or Pexels.
