Introduction to Asynchronous Programming

Asynchronous programming is a programming paradigm that allows a program to do multiple things at the same time. Long-running tasks in asynchronous programming run in the background without interfering with the main execution thread. Asynchronous programming is extremely useful for performing I/O operations such as network and file system access. Asynchronous programming can also be used to perform time-consuming tasks like image processing and mathematical calculations.

Asynchronous programming is used in Dart and Flutter for a variety of tasks, including:

  • Using HTTP to make REST API requests
  • Reading and writing files
  • Completing complex calculations
  • Executing lengthy tasks, such as animations

In this chapter, we will learn about asynchronous programming in Dart and Flutter. We will learn about the Future class, the async and await keywords, and the Stream class.


1. Every 5 Second

Write a program that prints current time after 5 seconds.

2. Read a File

Write a Program that reads a text file and prints the contents of the file to the console

3. Multiple Futures

Write a program that uses the Future class to perform multiple asynchronous operations in parallel, and then uses the Future.wait() method to wait for all the operations to complete before continuing.
