Introduction to OOP

What is OOP?

Object-oriented programming (OOP) is a programming paradigm based on the concept of “objects,” which can contain data in the form of fields, which are commonly referred to as attributes, and code in the form of procedures, which are commonly referred to as methods. A class is an object’s blueprint. Class can be compared to a labeled sketch of a parrot. It includes information such as the name, colors, and size.

We can learn more about the parrot based on these descriptions. A parrot is an object in this context. An object (instance) is a class instantiation. When a class is defined, no memory or storage is allocated; however, memory is allocated when the class is instantiated (i.e. an object is created). Instantiation refers to the process of creating this object. The newly created object is referred to as a class instance. The instance inherits all of the class’s variables and methods, but it also has its own set of variables and methods. In other words, each object contains an independent copy of the class’s instance variables.


Projects are a great way to learn. Here are some projects that you can try to get a better understanding of OOP.

1. Enum

Write a enum Season which can have values as different seasons. And write a program that prints your favorite season using the enum.

2. Person

Create a simple program that defines a Person class with properties for a person’s name and age, and then creates a few instances of the Person class. This project will help you understand the basics of defining classes and creating objects in Dart.

3. Calculator

Define a calculator class that has

  • methods add, subtract, multiply, divide and setInitial all accept one double parameter
  • has private nullable property result of type double
  • setInitial will set the initial result
  • all methods perform the desired calculation to the result and store the result
  • Create a test program with main method that initializes the calculator and performs operations

4. Coordinate

Create a class called Point allowing to manipulate a point of a plane (x,y).

You will provide:

  • A constructor receiving as arguments the coordinates (double) of a point.
  • A member function “move” performing a translation defined by its two arguments (double).
  • A member function “display” simply displaying the coordinates of the point.

The coordinates of the point should be private data members.

Write separate files:

  • A source file constituting the declaration of the class.
  • A small test program (main) declaring a point, displaying it, moving it around and showing it again.

5. Vector3D

The class “vector3D” is defined as follows:

class Vector3D {
    double _x, _y, _z;

    Vector3D(this._x, this._y, this._z);
  • Add new named constructor same that have only one argument and initialize the three variables with it.
  • Add a member function “coincide” that check if two vectors have the same components.
  • A small test program (main)

6. Bank Client

Create a class called BankClient that have 3 private attributes : - Id which is generated automatically and represents the order of the client in the bank Data Base (starting from 1 and can’t be changed). - Name (can’t be changed). - Balance have 3 methods (getBalance, addToBalance, and subtractIfPossible).

  • Create a constructor that use “Initializer list” to initialize the name.
  • Create a static method that print the number of clients and the bank balance.
  • Create a small test program (main) .

Note : The balance is initialized at 0 and can’t be negative.
